
Sikla siFramo Prefabrication | Sikla USA | MMS | Modular Mechanical Supports | a division of Eberl Iron Works, Inc. | Buffalo, NY USA

We Do Most of the Work For You!

In addition to cutting Sikla siFramo support members to length and consolidating all of your materials in kit-form, we can also perform preassembly work, providing finished components for your frames as subassemblies. Everything is then labeled and packaged together, to facilitate ever faster installation.

The Advantages are Clear

  • Reduce Planning Time
  • Simplify Installation Process
  • Lessen Field Labor Time
  • Free Up On-Site Labor Resources
  • Plan Just-In-Time Job Site Deliveries
  • Calculate Fixed End Costs with Confidence
  • Eliminate Material Waste

Let Us Lighten Your Load

We minimize the amount of field assembly work you need to do and reduce your construction costs, freeing up valuable resources on your job site. Less on-site work also means greater safety for you and your team.

Sikla siFramo Structural Framing | Sikla USA | MMS | Modular Mechanical Supports | a division of Eberl Iron Works, Inc. | Buffalo, NY USA

Why We Use Sikla Framo (siFramo)

Sikla Framo (siFramo) is a fully modular and adjustable system of beams and fittings that offers structural support without any of the hassle of fabricated steel. It’s also the backbone of our Modular Mechanical Support Systems!

Building with siFramo components drastically improves installation times since there is no need for welding, hole-drilling, cutting, grinding, or painting, and all components attach with a single piece of hardware.

The Advantages Are Clear

  • Fully Modular System with the Strength of Fabricated Steel
  • Installs Much Faster than Fabricated Steel
  • All Connections Made with One-Size-Fits-All Thread Forming Screw
  • Hot Dip Galvanized for Superior Corrosion Resistance
  • Integrates with Other Metal Framing Systems, including Unistrut